SRO Hosting - Premium web hosting services  Terms of service

Server Load Limits

Regardless of account settings, bandwidth or disk space allocations, all SRO Hosting servers observe and enforce some maximum resource limits for stability and security reasons.  

These include but are not limited to:

  • CPU load above 1.0 (per CPU) for more than 5 minutes more than once per day.

  • Combined (httpd, sql, email, script) memory use over 25% of server physical memory total.

  • Average disk space usage exceeding 200% of account allocation in a given month.

  • Email account size greater than 4GB or email domain total greater than 32GB.

  • Some resource limits (such as CPU or memory use) are metered in real time with greater resources allocated to higher-tier accounts and processes exceeding safe limits automatically terminated when necessary to maintain adequate service level to all customers.

    Other resources (such as bandwidth or disk use) are generally 'unmetered', however it is the responsibility of the account holder to observe user control panel and applications overage notifications with the understanding that overages may be subject to additional fees as specified in the hosting account description.

    Note: As a general rule, SRO Hosting shared servers are configured with significant additional resources allowing occasional use exceeding established resource limits to be absorbed with little or no impact to service level.   Under exceptional conditions however, hosting clients may experience occasional, minor service delays when the client's resource usage is being restricted by a load-limiting script.   When this occurs, the client may contact SRO Hosting to migrate critical services to dedicated hosting services within 24 hours to protect the operational integrity of their hosted services.
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